Chris Laing
As Chief Executive Officer of UCLPartners, Chris leads the partnership to improve the health of our population through the implementation of research and innovation into practice. He is a consultant nephrologist at UCLH and Royal Free. He trained in nephrology, internal medicine and critical care and undertook research in renal tubular disease and physiology with UCL and INSERM Paris. He founded London AKI Network, was a guideline development group member for NICE AKI, co-chaired the education workstream of the National AKI Programme (Think Kidneys) and clinically led a large scale improvement programme in AKI for the UCLPartners AHSN. He clinically led the DeepMind Health Royal Free Streams-AKI implementation and has an interest in digital health and data science.
01-Oct-2024AGM Clinical Theatre BAcute Kidney Injury